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Sale of Kiwi Businesses to Homecoming Expats?

We've heard it before, aging population + large number of small business owners looking to retire... does this leave a gap?

What about the sale of Kiwi businesses to homecoming expats? This is just one of the concepts briefly explored in KEA's* event profile video from a recent event in the UK. See video above.

(KEA is a NZ Govt initiative to reconnect with Expats world-wide and provide networking and business opportunities in both directions). Check out their website www.keanewzealand.com

NZ Now Number #1
Just in case you were wondering where the best place in the world to setup business in 2013 is... well, according to FORBES Magazine it's right here. New Zealand was ranked as the #1 place to establish a business. Read the full KEA article here...  or if you love technical detail see the World Bank's the Doing Business 2013 report here..

Thinking or starting a business?
Contact us for a free preliminary discussion. Our team will help point you in the right direction and make sure you haven't forgotten anything.


One Check
Looking to setup a business? Well there is now one place where you can check both registered trademarks and company names. The service is called 'One Check' and searches the databases of the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment.

Not sure where to start?
Want to make sure it is done right?
Once you have a name in mind, contact us to arrange a free meeting and our team can help you do the rest.


Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012
