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Shock... 20th in World Dropped From High Performance Squad

Top Kiwi Triathlete Nicky Samuels Dropped From High Performance Squad

Facing challenges is nothing new in sport, or business for that matter. But what do you do when you are at the top of your game, you have worked hard and secured a world ranking of 20th and then get dropped from the national high performance squad?

"It was a huge shock, but if you want it - you have to carry on..." was the answer I got from friend and accounting client Nicky Samuels. I can see where Tri NZ are trying to head, but I'm definitely not convinced that dropping an athlete who is currently ranked 20th in the world and very committed to her sport is the best strategy for getting Kiwi athletes on the podium.

Looking to the future is an important element of sustained success in both business and sport. Often, our biggest challenges often come when we least expect.

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Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013
